Blisterpartitur (Score of Blisters)
Type of work: Performance by Joanna Thede and Ia Neumüller
Length: Appr. 25 minutes
Content: Further information after following photos
Photos by Filippa Lilja
At the opening of Blister Sisters’ exhibition “Recollection: Patchworkers” at wip:sthlm, Ia Neumüller and Joanna Thede made the performance “Blisterpartitur” (Score of Blisters) to the sound piece “Magisk ramsa” (Magical Rhyme) by Leif Holmstrand.
The performance starts with the artists handing out lists of contents for medicines. The sound piece with the chanting of side effects, during which the two performers sewed threads with emptied blister packages between each other’s dresses. The performance ends with each artist cutting off the dress of the other person, leaving the dresses with their attached strings as a blister score on the floor.